NPAA School Wide Goals

The mission of Newbury Park Adventist Academy is to develop Christlike character, gain wisdom through Biblical principles, and foster unselfish service.

We believe this is exemplified on our campus by our students culminating in the command that Christ left us in John 13:34.

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

These guiding forces have aided us in adopting our School Wide Goals.

A student under the guidance and instruction of NPAA will receive the skills and opportunities to:

I. Spiritually:

 a.) Experience a personal relationship with God through prayer, Bible study, and worship.

b.) Incorporate principles of the Bible into personal daily living and decision-making processes.

c.) Embrace Christian attitudes, values, and practices while interacting with others.

d.) Experience the joy of Christian fellowship.

e.) Commit to a lifetime of Christian service.


II. Intellectually:

a.) Develop critical thinking skills to improve reasoning and analysis of a broad field of knowledge.

b.) Demonstrate effective communication skills in speaking, group discussion, and writing.

c.) Cultivate study habits and learning skills to successfully complete an academically challenging program, allowing success in higher education.

d.) Experience creative expression that broadens aesthetic awareness through literature and fine arts.


III. Physically:

a.) Engage in behaviors that promote lifelong physical fitness and well-being.

b.) Acquire an understanding of the key risk factors and decisions that affect health.


 IV. Socially:

a.) Work effectively as a group member in varying and changing social circumstances.

b.) Be able to identify themselves positively within the school and local communities.

c.) Develop skills necessary for success in adult life.

d.) Engage in service to others.

e.) Accept responsibility for one's actions and decisions.